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Breast Explant in Manchester, UK

Restore & Rejuvenate Your Natural Breasts

Implant Removal in Manchester

Breast explant surgery involves the removal of implants placed during breast augmentation or breast reconstruction surgery. The desire to remove breast implants may stem from health concerns, cosmetic preferences, or lifestyle. If you are no longer happy with your implants and would like to restore the natural quality of your breasts, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Abel Mounir offers breast explant surgery at Manchester Cosmetic Centre.

What is Breast Explant Surgery?

A personalized approach to each patient

Breast explant or breast implant removal allows patients to restore their natural breasts following breast augmentation or reconstruction using implants. As breast explant surgery reduces the volume in the breasts, the procedure often includes a breast lift to restore the breasts’ naturally youthful appearance. Dr. Abel Mounir specializes in breast procedures, personalizing each patient’s treatment to deliver a look that beautifully complements and enhances the overall look.

Manchester Breast Explant model wearing a top

What are the Benefits of Breast Explant Surgery?

While some patients choose to have their implants removed because they no longer want them.

Others opt to undergo breast explant surgery to eliminate risks or illnesses associated with implants, such as BII, capsular contracture, or implant rupture. Breast implant removal offers many benefits for patients who are unhappy with their implants, either for cosmetic, practical, or medical reasons. Advantages of breast implant removal include:

  • Clearer mammograms
  • Treatment for implant rupture
  • Relief from breast implant illness
  • Eliminate the risk of implant rupture
  • Correct imperfections caused by implants
  • Restore your breasts’ natural appearance
  • Relief from pain caused by capsular contracture

Am I a Good Candidate for Breast Explant Surgery?

If the shape of your breasts has changed since your implants were placed, you want to restore your natural breasts, or you are experiencing symptoms of breast implant illness or other complications, breast implant removal is likely the perfect solution to your concerns.

As with any surgical procedure, you should be in good physical and mental health, with a positive outlook on your treatment and no underlying conditions that may impair healing. If you smoke, you will need to quit at least six weeks before your procedure.

Manchester Breast Explant model smiling

Your Breast Explant Procedure

Our Manchester Breast explant surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia. The incision may be placed within the crease of your breast or around the areola. Another incision option is a vertical incision extending from below the areola to the breast crease.

If you wish to include a breast lift with your implant removal, this is the incision that Dr. Mounir will use to remove your implant and excess skin. Dr. Mounir will remove your implant and likely the breast capsule as well. While removing any damaged tissue or excess skin (in the case of a breast lift), he will pay close attention to the symmetry and shape of your breasts. Once he has achieved the desired effect, he will close your incisions and apply a dressing. He will only use drains if necessary.

Breast Explant Recovery

Dr. Mounir will provide you with clear and detailed instructions regarding incision care, any medications you will need, what to expect during your recovery, and when to return for your follow-up appointment. You may also need to wear a compression bra during your recovery.

Your Breast Explant Results

The results of your surgery will depend on the size of the implants removed, your skin’s elasticity, and whether your procedure includes a breast lift. While you will immediately notice that your implants are gone, your breasts will be swollen. You will realize your full results as your incisions heal, tissues settle, and swelling subsides.

Schedule Your Breast Explant Consultation With Dr. Mounir

Breast Surgery Specialist in Manchester, Liverpool, and Birmingham

If you would like to discuss removing your implants with Dr. Abel Mounir, please contact Manchester Cosmetic Centre to schedule your consultation. During your appointment, Dr. Mounir will listen closely to your concerns and thoroughly assess the condition of your breasts to guide you through your ideal treatment. Dr. Mounir offers in-person and virtual consultations to accommodate UK and international patients.

Breast Explant
Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to have breast implants removed in the UK?

The cost of explant surgery will depend on the unique details of your treatment. During your consultation, we will provide you with a treatment quote reflective of your needs.

Does the NHS cover breast implant removal?

The NHS usually does not cover breast explant surgery. However, there are some exceptions in cases in which removal is medically necessary.

How long is surgery to remove breast implants?

Your breast implant removal can take anywhere between one and three hours, depending on the complexity of your surgery. If there is a greater amount of damaged tissue or you choose to include a breast lift, your surgery will take slightly longer.

Your uniqueness is beautiful. At Manchester Cosmetic Centre, our goal is to complement and highlight your unique beauty so that you can realize your ideal you.

If you would like to take the first step toward a truly exceptional experience and stunning results, please schedule your consultation with Dr. Abel Mounir today. We offer consultations in Manchester, Liverpool, and Birmingham.

61 King St, Manchester M2 4PD

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